Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My daughter's single answer to every question right now is "no."  Sometimes its a really sweet "no," in a drawn-out voice spoken with a smile, and other times it is a sing-songy, "No-no-no-no-no," and at still other times it is a very serious, "No!!!!!"  But however it comes out, its like she doesn't know any other words.  Do you need to potty? "No."  Do you want a banana (one of her favorite foods)? "No."  Are you 1 year old? "No."    If this were any other human being, I don't think I'd have the patience for this.  As it is, she's my daughter, a beautiful, sweet, big-eyed wonder who is going through a phase, and so I just smile and wait until she grows out of it.

What would the world be like if we gave to everyone the same grace that we give to our kids?

I remember one time talking on the phone with my father, who was also on the phone with the airline company.  I was mad at him - I don't think he really understood why - over the airline issue, and I was letting him know it.  And he was so kind, so patient, so determined to work this out.  Then I'd hear him get on the other phone with the airline company and absolutely chew them out.  

When I'm in the line at the grocery store and the check-out person is working painfully slow, I am so irritated.  When I'm in the same line and my daughter wants to help put the items, one by one, onto the belt, I smile and let her help.

What would the world be like if we gave the same grace that we give to our kids?

Of course, there are times we are tempted to take out our frustrations on our kids and put on a happy face to the world, but, in the end, I think most of us are far more committed to our relationships with our kids than we are to our relationship with just anyone who walks by.  But we are children of God and God treats us all with such love and grace and understanding and calls us to do the same.  Maybe, next time someone doesn't do what they should be doing or slows me down or behaves inappropriately, I'll use the resources I've developed in my relationship with my daughter for patience and grace and just direct it to the person in front of me.  Thank God for grace to change.


Jessica Miller Kelley said...

Hi Kristin--I work with your mom, and she told me about your blog. My cousin's daughter says "no" to everything right now, too, but it's precious because it always comes out like a question--"no?" "Linnea, do you even know what 'no' means?" "No?"

Anyway, you make a very good observation. We don't have kids yet, but I'm striving to even treat my husband as kindly as I do other friends.

Anonymous said...

Our relationship with our kids is about as close that I will ever get to understand God's relationship with me. Even more so than the relationship with my wife, whom I love dearly.

I continually look to understand why they do what they do and to try and be as patient as I can, despite the fact that I see them going through some things and could "help"" them if they would only listen to me and follow my voice.

When I spend time thinking about that in comparison to how God deals with me, I can understand how frustrating it must be(if god gets frustrated) to be God and to watch me and how I live at times.